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New Blackberry Buying Tips

The easiest way is to buy direct from the operators, because currently a large operator in Indonesia has much to ads about launching new products blackberries, you may go to their outlets now even blackberries products can be directly ordered online.

BB package from the operator, usually the price is cheap, and can be repaid as well. If you have a credit card, auto debit is just the bill for a year into the credit card you now have.
But, not all people have more money and credit cards, the second choice fell on buying either BB BN1B warranty or Black Market. BNIB usually been free from disease and entrapment PIN IT policy.Tapi suspend the matter of the new BB is, the legality of whether the correct PIN and BB did not you buy it 100% new?

Steps To Buying a New BlackBerry:
If the store where you bought it is a store that honest, then he will say he sold BB status. Is BM and 100% new alias is imported from overseas stock operators (AT & T, and others), BNIB, BB 14 Days, or refurbished BB.
The most expensive of course Black Market 100% of foreign operators (wrapped), then Brand New In Box (100% new but out of the box) and the next two categories are certainly BB BB marks. Just to make sure your stay, the truth of the words the salesman said.
Before you start shopping trip, make sure you must have a SIM card which is already listed on the BlackBerry service of your subscription service. No need to have a BlackBerry smartphone to BlackBerry services from the service register. Easy way, you stay toward the operator service outlets which now you wear. Register your SIM card, and that's settled!

Step 1: Find the Best Prices Pas In Bag
If you are looking for a new BB and 100% official, the office of your subscription service is the goal utama.Tapi If you want a slightly cheaper price, then the BM 100% brand new BlackBerry can you pilih.Tentu only modest price difference with the BB official.
Look for BB in accordance with the criteria you select to all the stores that offer BlackBerry. If there are stores that price match, then proceed to the next stage.

Step 2: Check Box and Packaging Equipment
Usually, BlackBerry's 100% BM has a new homemade box which is almost uniform shape and color in all stores. Because these shops have the same suppliers. Look for BlackBerry BM with a box of the most convincing and best among all the existing stores.
If you happen to buy a BlackBerry BNIB, it is easier to check its completeness. Look at the pictures, the BlackBerry's original foreign operators (AT & T) has a typical completeness. Orange is the color box, with charger that uses the connector plug 3 feet or flat connectors. This connector is clearly not used in a standard outlet in Indonesia. Then the IMEI sticker pasted neatly in the box, and no fade or piling on the IMEI sticker that previously existed in these boxes. Kalu there were signs it, then the BB IMEI is likely to have been tricked, so the solution only cans in another store.

Step 3: IMEI What's In Box and BlackBerry Must Neat and the Same
To view the IMEI, IMEI read only existing in the box, then check the IMEI sticker is behind the BlackBerry that you will buy (the same as the IMEI sticker on a mobile phone). If the same, then everything fits, you check your residence, whether the IMEI sticker is counterfeit or genuine. BB IMEI prefix usually have 2 and 3, for the old type using the prefix digit 1.
Original sticker, will be stuck with a neat parallel with the SIM slot and MMC slot, so no patch width and the origin like in this picture.

Step 4: Ask About Warranties and Guarantees
The next step is to ask about the guarantee from the seller, if you want to buy a BlackBerry is not able to access your server from your BlackBerry. Or it could be after buying and I found the BB was still tied to the PIN suspend or IT policy.
What will he do, will replace with another BlackBerry, or will refund your money 100%. Ask about the warranty, is there a warranty repair or not. That all should be clear at the beginning, If all is clear, proceed to the next stage.

Step 5: Make Checks Physical and Keypad
This stage is usually done when the BlackBerry is you pay for, because like it or not, you must turn on the BlackBerry. Point for connection to the server checked the settings and also the matter of IT policy earlier. Before paying, first check the physical and smooth without any defects or not.
When ON, see the beam screen, the new BB memilliki beam writing the screen bright and clear. If you buy a BB that was taken from the operators (eg AT & T), then the start-up menu has the same logo that is AT & T. If the star-up is different, then you should be suspicious.
BB is still not used at all, keypad is still tasty pressed, just do a test by writing an SMS, e-mail, and other activities, If the keypad was firmly pressed, the time to check the life time of the BB before you buy it.
Sign Option>> Status and type BUYR, it would appear the information below.
If Data and Voice usage is still 0.0 then the BB is still not used at all. Then continue to the next step.

Step 6: Validate PIN Check
This step is useful to know your PIN with the PIN is not twins from another BB. Term to avoid PIN "stuck" by examining how the same PIN and PIN Suspend stuck like in the guide above to buy the BlackBerry marks.
If proved to be a new BB that you will buy this disease Suspend PIN or PIN stuck. So there is no other way, besides replacing the unit with other units, with a PIN that is still free from contamination.

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