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Refurbish Blackberry Buying Tips

Refurbish Blackberry phones that are sold under circumstances where one or several components of the original alias was not transplanted. Able components in the (electronic), can also be casing or cover. Phones and it even looks like new.

But there are several ways that you do not persuaded by this kind of phone. Beberpa following steps you can do:

1. Raba DUS. When compared with the usual phone boxes, cartons Blackberry handheld is very simple. Black boxes without images handheld Blackberry Deng logos and text on the top surface. On the surface of the bottom part there is a notification about patent rights in multiple languages. Then on the right side sticker handheld identity.

2. Logo skewer. In the body often terdapt BM handheld cellular opertor logos of other countries. This means that for users of handheld dinegaranya. Still not a problem if used in other countries, provided the function kejaringan cellular connection is released (unlocked). If it is true handheld is derived from the logo printed opertor handheld dibody the bootscreen logo that appears on the LCD screen should be the same with the logo dibody. Then the screen logo on the Internet Browser should be the same with the logo on the box.

3. Match your PIN and IMEI. There are two digit code which is important for handheld Blackberry, namely cod PIN and IMEI. These codes can be found in three different locations, on a sticker attached to the right hand box, the sticker attached to the base where the batteries handhelds, as well as handheld firmware. PIN and IMEI in the three locations should be the same to ensure the original handheld.

* To see the PIN and IMEI on the handheld firmware there are two ways, namely: At the homescreen click Options and select the status

* On screen display of any press Shift + Alt + H (in unison).

# Check usage data. Like a new car that has not been executed, the registrar tripnya must show zero miles. BlackBerry handhelds have some kind of trip recorder which is called Lifetime. Through this Lifetime can be known whether the handheld Balckberry already been used or not. Lifetime can diliahat at Option -> Status, then type R. BUY If a totally new handheld, the data lifetime of Usage Data and Voice Usage must show the number Zero. If Data Usage is Exceeding 120K and Voice Usage is Exeeding 60 Minutes, this means that the handheld has been used optimally. There is the possibility of data juag liftime new handheld is said to be below the figures earlier. This could mean that the handheld is used only for trials only.

# Check the contents Handheld. Given some of the new BlackBerry handhelds are actually derived from the former handheld, it is likely that the data had been entered previously are still lagging behind. These data can be still tetinggal is like the contact data Seta BIS account. Find Email Contacts and Settings to check.

# Test Performance Handheld. Features of the Blackberry handheld is the presence of other features that exist therein. With this feature would be found out how well and the main functions available in the handheld. Included for good measure the quality of the connection to the network. Self-test feature can be accessed from the Options -> Status, type and type TEST BUYR T. Feature or function that wants to be fully tested or based on choice. Whether or not the new handheld will be felt when testing takes place.
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